Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Patching Issues

Patching Issues/Sollutions/WorkArounds

During Patching, If you get different AD Worker Errors:

1. AD Worker error:
The following ORACLE error:
occurred while executing the SQL statement:
GRANT select on GV$LOGFILE to em_oam_monitor_role
Error occurred in file

Work Around:

->connect DB / as sysdba
->grant select on GV_$LOGFILE to system with grant option.
->connect system/systempwd.
->grant select on GV$LOGFILE to em_oam_monitor_role.
-> Restart the failed worker using adctrl.

2.AD Worker error:
The following ORACLE error:ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P000ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys foundoccurred while executing the SQL statement:CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ICX.ICX_TRANSACTIONS_U1 ON ICX.ICX_TRANSACTIONS(TRANSACTION_ID) LOGGING STORAGE (INITIAL 4K NEXT 104K MINEXTENTS 1MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0 FREELIST GROUPS 4 FREELISTS 4 ) PCTFREE10 INITRANS 11 MAXTRANS 255 COMPUTE STATISTICS PARALLEL TABLESPACE ICXXAD Worker error:Unable to compare or correct tables or indexes or keysbecause of the error above

Work Around

->Execute the following SQL to prevent errors during Patch Application through adpatch:
->If the Above query returns any Row then Please execute the following SQL :

->$ICX_TOP/sql (named ICXDLTMP.sql).

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