Sunday, December 14, 2008

Check Concurrent Manager Status from the Back end?

How to check Concurrent Managers Status from the Back End?

select CONCURRENT_QUEUE_NAME,max_processes,running_processes,decode(control_code,
'N','Target node/queue unavailable',
'O','Suspending concurrent manager',
'Q','Resuming concurrent manager',
'U','Updating environment information',
from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues
(control_code is not null and control_code not in ('B','E'));

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Find out Explain Plan of Session

How to get explain plan of Session?

set lines 120
lpad(' ', 2*(depth))||operation||' '||options
||' '||decode(object_owner,null,null,
||' '||decode(cost,null,null,'Cost = '||cost)
||' '||decode(partition_start,null,null,
||' '||decode(bytes,null,null,'Bytes= '||bytes)
-- ||' '||decode(access_predicates,null,null,'Access= '||access_predicates)
-- ||' '||decode(filter_predicates,null,null,'Filter= '||filter_predicates)
--, other,other_tag, temp_space
"Execution Plan"
from v$sql_plan
where (address, hash_value) =
(select sql_address, sql_hash_value
from v$session
where sid = &sid)
order by id
undefine 1

Note: Pass SID when it prompts

Find out Session Waits in a Database

How to find out Session wait events in a Database?

column event format a41
set pagesize 100

select a.event,count(*),avg(b.wait_time)
from v$session a,v$session_wait b
where a.sid = b.sid
and a.type != 'BACKGROUND'
group by a.event
order by count(*) desc

How to find out sid of a query running?

How to find out session id of a sql that is running?

SELECT s.sid FROM v$session s, v$sqlarea a,v$process p WHERE s.SQL_HASH_VALUE = a.HASH_VALUE AND s.SQL_ADDRESS = a.ADDRESS AND s.PADDR = p.ADDR and a.sql_text like '%ALTER INDEX%';

Note: Where sql_text is some unique part of the sql running

Check Redolog count hourly basis

How to find , how many redo switches happening every hour?

select (to_char(first_time,'mm/dd')), (to_char(first_time,'HH24')), count(*)
from v$log_history
group by (to_char(first_time,'HH24'))
order by 1,2 asc

Oracle EBS integration with Oracle IDCS for SSO

Oracle EBS integration with Oracle IDCS for SSO Oracle EBS SSO? Why is it so important? Oracle E-Business Suite is a widely used application...