Monday, February 16, 2009

Export / Import a table to zipped dump file using mknode

Export a table to zipped dump file using mknode

export scripts
1. Make a piped node
2. Gzip the file using gzip and in background
3. Export the file using exp

mknod mknod_tmp p
gzip < mknod_tmp > exp_CMKT.dmp.gz &
exp file=mknod_tmp buffer=209715200 log=exp_CMKT.log direct=y statistics=none parfile=schema_list.par

export scripts
1. Make a piped node
2. Gunzip the file using gunzip and in background
3. Create user and grant necessary permission to the users
4. Check for enough space both data and index
5. Import the file using exp

Import a table to zipped dump file using mknode

import scripts
mknod cmkt_node p
gunzip < exp_CMKT.dmp.gz > cmkt_node &
imp file=cmkt_node buffer=209715200 log=imp_cmkt.log ignore=y destroy=n parfile=cmkt_imp_par.par commit=y

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