Saturday, March 04, 2017

RMAN Backup Monitor/Progress scripts

REM RMAN Progress
set lines 120
set pagesize 200
alter session set nls_date_format='dd/mm/yy hh24:mi:ss';
select SID, START_TIME,TOTALWORK, sofar, (sofar/totalwork) * 100 done,
sysdate + TIME_REMAINING/3600/24 end_at
from v$session_longops
where totalwork > sofar
AND opname NOT LIKE '%aggregate%'
AND opname like 'RMAN%'

REM RMAN Progress
set lines 200
set pagesize 200
alter session set nls_date_format='dd/mm/yy hh24:mi:ss';
select inst_id,sid,start_time,opname, round((sofar/totalwork)*100) "% Completed",sysdate + time_remaining/3600/24 will_end_at from gv$session_longops where totalwork > sofar and opname not like '%aggregate%' and opname like 'RMAN%' order by 1;

REM RMAN waits
set lines 200
column sid format 9999
column spid format 99999
column client_info format a25
column event format a30
column secs format 9999
SELECT SID, SPID, CLIENT_INFO, event, seconds_in_wait secs, p1, p2, p3
  and CLIENT_INFO like 'rman channel=%'

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